Monday, April 4, 2011

What a Weekend!

Wow!  That's all I can say.  At the baseball field from 8 am to 7 pm on Saturday for Little League Opening Day festivities and both kids' baseball games then back to the field from 8 am to 6 pm yesterday for a tournament for my younger son's travel team.  We are worn out and the week is just starting - including two baseball games tonight!  Poor scheduling (and my dear husband is the scheduling dude for the little league!)

Anyway, all those hours did result in knitting time, except when it was so cold my fingers were blue.  I worked on my Tuscany socks to the beginning of the gusset and moved to the Lazy Day Shawl.  Our weather has been crazy.  Saturday was in the 50's, with lots of wind and several rain showers, yesterday was sunny and mid 60's, today will hit mid 80's. 

Here are the socks being modeled by my precious gray tabby, Captain Jack Sparrow:
The Captain loves yarn and enjoys sitting beside me while I knit.  Sadly, I have been surprised to be knitting along and come upon an unforeseen end to the yarn, thanks to my sweet kitty's chewing!

1 comment:

  1. Cute kitty! Mine wars with me over the yarn, but she knows she's not supposed to touch it. Mostly she causes trouble when she wants me to put down my knitting and pay attention to her instead!
