Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Update...

Since it's been 3 weeks since the last Friday Update, there are some finished objects, WIPs, and Stash Enhancements today.

Finished Objects:
My Beagle Brown Vitamin D  
Knitabulls KAL Cowl
Dad's Christmas Vest
I also knitted a washcloth and an owl puff for my Mommy Needs Yarn swap pal, but didn't take any pictures.  I was so excited to get the package together and in the mail that it totally slipped my mind!

On the Needles:
Tardis Socks
Knitabulls Dec. KAL Hogwarts Express

I also want to participate in the Mommy Needs Yarn/Knitting Blooms KAL, but I need to remember there's Christmas coming this month.  SO, if I get my shopping/wrapping done and plan all the other Christmas related chores, I might just squeeze that in, too.

Stash Enhancement:

While in Nags Head for the Thanksgiving holiday, I visited Knitting Addition (my favorite LYS, despite it being 3 1/2 hours from home) and purchased some yarn and this cute bag.  If you can't read the outside, it says, "Life's too short to knit with ugly yarn."  LOVE IT!

For a planned Sothia
Spud and Chloe Fine - hippo
Spud and Chloe Fine - sidewalk
For a planned Thin Ice:

Spud and Chloe Fine - dolphin

1 comment:

  1. I love that bag. I may have to get one of my friends who frequent Nags Head to pick me one up.
